How is the opposite command of getwindowtext
How is the opposite command of getwindowtext

how is the opposite command of getwindowtext

Which seems to imply that the text for every window that exists is accessible without a context switch. This means that GetWindowText got the window name without performing a context switch. I used a usermode debugger so I certainly didn't end up in kernelmode while stepping without realizing it. None of these API calls seem to be able to read a string in memory not owned by the calling process. WCSToMBEx (which is basically WideCharToMultiByte).GetWindowThreadProcessId (in GetWindowLong).

how is the opposite command of getwindowtext

I attached a debugger and stepped through the GetWindowTextA call, manually stepping through everything except these API calls (in order): HWND winmine = FindWindow(NULL,"Minesweeper") MessageBox(0,"Attach debugger and set bp","on GetWindowTextA",0) int CALLBACK WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) I wrote a simple program to call GetWindowText with a handle to a window in a different process. I wanted to figure out what the syscalls behind GetWindowText are.

How is the opposite command of getwindowtext